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Tibetský Španěl  
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   * cat Agáta / The House Cat

Our house cat, and I stress “house,” especially during the winter. She mainly divides her time between the wood burning stove and her food bowl. In summer, she has been known to climb onto the roof and look out at the world from above or to set out on a hunt. Regarding her absolute laziness, we suspect that she merely gathers up already dead mice and brings them to our doorstep with great show.
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"Chcete-li si rozumět se svým psem, není třeba hned na něj štěkat."

"Ten, kdo řekl, že štěstí se nedá koupit, zapomněl na štěňata."

"Jenom ti, kdož neměli nikdy psa, nemohou pochopit, oč by byl život bez psů chudší."